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"Testing a Quasi-Isometric Quantized Embedding"
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"$$ \n",
"This simple *python notebook* aims at estimating the validity of some of the results explained in the paper \n",
" \n",
"> \"*A Quantized Johnson Lindenstrauss Lemma: The Finding of Buffon's Needle*\"
"> by [Laurent Jacques](http://perso.uclouvain.be/laurent.jacques/) [(arXiv)](http://arxiv.org/abs/1309.1507)
"> \"In 1733, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon in France, set the ground of geometric probability theory by defining an enlightening problem: What is the probability that a needle thrown randomly on a ground made of equispaced parallel strips lies on two of them? In this work, we show that the solution to this problem, and its generalization to N dimensions, allows us to discover a quantized form of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss (JL) Lemma, i.e., one that combines a linear dimensionality reduction procedure with a uniform quantization of precision $\\delta>0$. In particular, given a finite set $\\cl S \\in \\bb R^N$ of $S$ points and a distortion level $\\epsilon>0$, as soon as $M > M_0 = O(\\log |S|/\\epsilon^2)$, we can (randomly) construct a mapping from $(\\cl S, \\ell_2)$ to $((\\delta \\bb Z)^M, \\ell_1)$ that approximately preserves the pairwise distances between the points of $\\cl S$. Interestingly, compared to the common JL Lemma, the mapping is quasi-isometric and we observe both an additive and a multiplicative distortions on the embedded distances. These two distortions, however, decay as $O(\\sqrt{\\log |S|/M})$ when $M$ increases. Moreover, for coarse quantization, i.e., for high $\\delta$ compared to the set radius, the distortion is mainly additive, while for small $\\delta$ we tend to a Lipschitz isometric embedding. Finally, we show that there exists \"almost\" a quasi-isometric embedding of $(\\cl S, \\ell_2)$ in $((\\delta \\bb Z)^M, \\ell_2)$. This one involves a non-linear distortion of the $\\ell_2$-distance in $\\cl S$ that vanishes for distant points in this set. Noticeably, the additive distortion in this case decays slower as $O((\\log S/M)^{1/4})$.\" \n",
"In particular, our objective is to study the behavior of a nonlinear mapping from $\\bb R^N$ to $\\bb R^M$, for two specific dimensions $M,N \\in \\bb N$. This mapping is defined as follows. \n",
"Let a random (sensing) matrix $\\bs \\Phi \\in \\bb R^{M \\times N}$ be such that each component $\\Phi_{ij} \\sim_{\\rm iid} \\cl N(0,1)$, or more shorthly $\\bs \\Phi \\sim \\cl N^{M\\times N}(0,1)$.\n",
"We want to combine the common random projection realized by $\\bs \\Phi$ with the following non-linear operation, i.e., a uniform scalar quantizer of resolution $\\delta > 0$:\n",
"\\qquad\\cl Q_\\delta[\\lambda] = \\delta \\lfloor \\lambda /\u00a0\\delta \\rfloor. \n",
"(remark: we could define instead a *midrise* quantizer by adding $\\delta/2$ to the definition above, and the rest of the development would be unchanged) \n",
"This combination reads\n",
"\\qquad\\bs \\psi_\\delta(\\bs x) := \\cl Q_\\delta(\\bs\\Phi \\bs x + \\bs \\xi)\n",
"with $\\bs \\xi \\sim \\cl U^M([0, \\delta])$ is a *dithering* vector, i.e., a random uniform vector in $\\bb R^M$ such that $u_i \\sim_{\\rm iid} \\cl U([0, \\delta])$, and $\\bs \\psi_\\delta:\\bb R^N \\to (\\delta \\bb Z)^M$ $ is our mapping of interest.\n",
"In Proposition 13 (page 16) of the paper above, it shown that\n",
"> **Proposition 13:** Fix $\\epsilon_0>0$, $0< \\epsilon\\leq \\epsilon_0$ and $\\delta>0$. There exist two values\n",
"$c,c'>0$ only depending on $\\epsilon_0$ such that, for\n",
"$\\bs\\Phi \\sim \\cl N^{M\\times N}(0,1)$ and $\\bs \\xi\\sim \\cl U^M([0, \\delta])$, both determining the mapping\n",
"$\\bs\\psi_\\delta$ above, and for $\\bs u, \\bs v\\in\\bb R^N$,\n",
"$$\\qquad(1 - c\\epsilon) \\|\\bs u - \\bs v\\| - c'\\epsilon\\delta\\ \\leq\\ \\tfrac\n",
"{\\sqrt\\pi}{\\sqrt 2 M} \\|\\bs\\psi_\\delta(\\bs u) - \\bs\\psi_\\delta(\\bs v)\\|_1\\ \\leq\\ \n",
"(1 + c\\epsilon)\\|\\bs u - \\bs v\\| + c'\\epsilon\\delta.\\tag{1}\n",
"with a probability higher than $1 - 2 e^{-\\epsilon^2M}$.\n",
"This proposition shows that the random quantity $c_\\psi M^{-1} \\|\\bs\\psi_\\delta(\\bs u) - \\bs\\psi_\\delta(\\bs v)\\|_1$ with $c_\\psi = \\sqrt{\\pi/2}$ *concentrates* around its mean $\\|\\bs u - \\bs v\\|$. However, conversely to linear random projections, this concentration phenomenon displays two kind of deviation: a standard multiplicative one (the $1\\pm c\\epsilon$ factor) and an *additive* one in $\\pm c'\\epsilon\\delta$. \n",
"Moreover, forcing (1) to be valid at constant probability, we deduce also that $\\epsilon = O(1/\\sqrt M)$, i.e., showing that both the multiplicative and the additive distortion decay as $O(1/\\sqrt M)$ with respect to $M$.\n",
"> *Remark:* From a standard union bound argument (see the paper), this result allows one to show the existence of a non-linear embedding from a set $\\cl S \\subset \\bb R^N$ to $(\\delta \\bb Z)^M$, as soon as $M \\geq M_0 = O( \\epsilon^{-2}\\,\\log |\\cl S|)$. Proposition 13 is thus central to reach this property. \n",
"This notebook proposes to test the behavior of the two distortions displayed in (1). \n",
"For that, arbitrarily fixing $\\|\\bs u - \\bs v\\|=1$ by normalizing conveniently $\\bs u$ and $\\bs v$ (e.g., after their random selection in $\\bb R^N$), we study the standard deviation of the random variable\n",
"\\qquad V_\\psi = \\tfrac{\\sqrt\\pi}{\\sqrt 2 M} \\|\\bs\\psi_\\delta(\\bs u) - \\bs\\psi_\\delta(\\bs v)\\|_1.\n",
"> *Remark:* the concentration (1) is invariant under the coordinate change $\\bs u \\to \\lambda \\bs u$, $\\bs v \\to \\lambda \\bs v$ and $\\delta \\to |\\lambda| \\delta$ for any $\\lambda \\neq 0$, which allows us to set $\\|\\bs u - \\bs v\\|=1$ without any loss of generality (providing we study the variability of (1) in $\\delta$). \n",
"Although this random variable displays a non-trivial distribution1, we expect anyway that, if Prop. 13 above is true, \n",
"\\qquad (\\text{Var}\\ V_\\psi)^{1/2}\\quad \\simeq\\quad a\\ \\epsilon\\ +\\ b\\epsilon\\ \\delta,\\quad \\text{for some }a,b > 0,\n",
"and possibly find the constants $a, b>0$ by a simple linear fit.\n",
1: Actually, a mixture of *Buffon* random variable and of a Chi distribution with $N$ degrees of freedom.
" ] }, { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 2, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The simulations:\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "> *Remark:* launch ipython notebook with the pylab option, i.e.,Laurent Jacques, November 2013
" ] } ], "metadata": {} } ] }