Equivariance-based self-supervised learning for audio signal recovery from clipped measurements

Abstract: In numerous inverse problems, state-of-the-art solving strategies involve training neural networks from ground truth and associated measurement datasets that, however, may be expensive or impossible to collect. Recently, self-supervised learning techniques have emerged, with the major advantage of no longer requiring ground truth data.

Quadratic polynomial kernel approximation with asymmetric embeddings

Abstract: Random embedding techniques, such as random Fourier features, are widely used to sketch initial data to a new, kernelised feature space. In this work, we leverage a specific property of random rank-one projection operators, the sign product embedding, to approximate a quadratic polynomial kernel using the scalar product of a pair asymmetric vector embeddings, with one taking only binary values.

Interferometric single-pixel imaging with a multicore fiber

Abstract: Lensless illumination single-pixel imaging with a multicore fiber (MCF) is a computational imaging technique that enables potential endoscopic observations of biological samples at cellular scale. In this work, we show that this technique is tantamount to collecting multiple symmetric rank-one projections (SROP) of a Hermitian interferometric matrix – a matrix encoding the spectral content of the sample image.

Signal processing after quadratic random sketching with optical units

Abstract: Random data sketching (or projection) is now a classical technique enabling, for instance, approximate numerical linear algebra and machine learning algorithms with reduced computational complexity and memory. In this context, the possibility of performing data processing (such as pattern detection or classification) directly in the sketched domain without accessing the original data was previously achieved for linear random sketching methods and compressive sensing.

Low-rank plus sparse trajectory decomposition for direct exoplanet imaging

Abstract: We propose a direct imaging method for the detection of exoplanets based on a combined low-rank plus structured sparse model. For this task, we develop a dictionary of possible effective circular trajectories a planet can take during the observation time, elements of which can be efficiently computed using rotation and convolution operation.

Signal Processing with Optical Quadratic Random Sketches

Abstract: Random data sketching (or projection) is now a classical technique enabling, for instance, approximate numerical linear algebra and machine learning algorithms with reduced computational complexity and memory. In this context, the possibility of performing data processing (such as pattern detection or classification) directly in the sketched domain without accessing the original data was previously achieved for linear random sketching methods and compressive sensing.

ROP inception: signal estimation with quadratic random sketching

Abstract: Rank-one projections (ROP) of matrices and quadratic random sketching of signals support several data processing and machine learning methods, as well as recent imaging applications, such as phase retrieval or optical processing units.

An Interferometric view of Speckle Imaging

Abstract: Lensless endoscopy (LE) with multicore fibers (MCF) enables fluorescent imaging of biological samples at cellular scale. In this work, we show that the corresponding imaging process is tantamount to collecting multiple rank-one projections (ROP) of an Hermitian interferometric matrix—a matrix encoding a subsampling of the Fourier transform of the sample image.

The Separation Capacity of Random Neural Networks

Abstract: Neural networks (NNs) with random weights appear in a variety of machine learning applications, perhaps most prominently as initialization of many deep learning algorithms. We take one step closer to their theoretical foundation by addressing the following data separation problem: Under what conditions can a random NN make two classes \(\mathcal X^{-}, \mathcal X^{\plus} \subset \mathbb R^{d}\) (with positive distance) linearly separable?