Compressive Single-pixel Fourier Transform Imaging using Structured Illumination

Abstract: Single Pixel (SP) imaging is now a reality in many applications, eg, biomedical ultrathin endoscope and fluorescent spectroscopy. In this context, many schemes exist to improve the light throughput of these device, eg, using structured illumination driven by compressive sensing theory.

Differentially Private Compressive K-means

Abstract: This work addresses the problem of learning from large collections of data with privacy guarantees. The sketched learning framework proposes to deal with the large scale of datasets by compressing them into a single vector of generalized random moments, from which the learning task is then performed.

Exploring Hierarchical Machine Learning for Hardware-Limited Multi-Class Inference on Compressed Measurements

Abstract: This paper explores hierarchical clustering methods to learn a hierarchical multi-class classifier on compressed measurements in the context of highly constrained hardware (e.g., always-on ultra low power vision systems). In contrast to the popular multi-class classification approaches based on multiple binary classifiers (i.

Iterative Low-rank and rotating sparsity promotion for circumstellar disks imaging

Abstract: Recent astronomical observations open the possibility to directly image circumstellar disks, a key feature for our understanding of extra-solar systems. However, the faint intensity of these celestial signals compared to the brightness of their hosting star make their accurate characterization a challenging processing task.

Near Sensor Decision Making via Compressed Measurements for Highly Constrained Hardware

Abstract: This work presents and compare three realistic scenarios to perform near sensor decision making based on Dimensionality Reduction (DR) techniques of high dimensional signals in the context of highly constrained hardware.

One-Bit Sensing of Low-Rank and Bisparse Matrices

Abstract: This note studies the worst-case recovery error of low-rank and bisparse matrices as a function of the number of one-bit measurements used to acquire them. First, by way of the concept of consistency width, precise estimates are given on how fast the recovery error can in theory decay.

Performance of Compressive Sensing for Hadamard-Haar Systems

Abstract: We study the problem of image recovery from subsampled Hadamard measurements using Haar wavelet sparsity prior. This problem is of interest in, e.g., computational imaging applications relying on optical multiplexing or single pixel imaging.

Quantity over Quality: Dithered Quantization for Compressive Radar Systems

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate a trade-off between the number of radar observations (or measurements) and their resolution in the context of radar range estimation. To this end, we introduce a novel estimation scheme that can deal with strongly quantized received signals, going as low as 1-bit per signal sample.

Single Pixel Hyperspectral Imaging using Fourier Transform Interferometry

Abstract: Single-Pixel (SP) imaging is now a reality in many applications, e.g., biomedical ultrathin endoscope and fluorescent spectroscopy. In this context, many schemes exist to improve the light throughput of these device, e.

Sparsity-Driven Moving Target Detection in Distributed Multistatic FMCW Radars

Abstract: We investigate the problem of sparse target detection from widely distributed multistatic textitFrequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar systems (using chirp modulation). Unlike previous strategies e.g., developed for FMCW or distributed multistatic radars), we propose a generic framework that scales well in terms of computational complexity for high-resolution space-velocity grid.