Blind Deconvolution of PET Images using Anatomical Priors

Abstract: Images from positron emission tomography (PET) provide metabolic information about the human body. They present, however, a spatial resolution that is limited by physical and instrumental factors often modeled by a blurring function.

Cell segmentation with random ferns and graph-cuts

Abstract: The progress in imaging techniques have allowed the study of various aspect of cellular mechanisms. To isolate individual cells in live imaging data, we introduce an elegant image segmentation framework that effectively extracts cell boundaries, even in the presence of poor edge details.

Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging with Fourier Transform Interferometry

Abstract: This paper studies the fast acquisition of Hyper- Spectral (HS) data using Fourier transform interferometry (FTI). FTI has emerged as a promising alternative to capture, at a very high resolution, the wavelength coordinate as well as the spatial domain of the HS volume.

Image Deconvolution by Local Order Preservation of Pixels Values

Abstract: Positron emission tomography is more and more used in radiation oncology, since it conveys useful functional information about cancerous lesions. Its rather low spatial resolution, however, prevents accurate tumor delineation and heterogeneity assessment.

Interpolation on manifolds using Bézier functions

Abstract: Given a set of data points lying on a smooth manifold, we present methods to interpolate those with piecewise Bézier splines. The spline is composed of Bézier curves (resp. surfaces) patched together such that the spline is continuous and differentiable at any point of its domain.

Low Rank and Group-Average Sparsity Driven Convex Optimization for Direct Exoplanets Imaging

Abstract: Direct exoplanets imaging is a challenging task for two main reasons. First, the host star is several order of magnitude brighter than exoplanets. Second, the great distance between us and the star system makes the exoplanets-star angular dis- tance very small.

Non-Convex Blind Calibration for Compressed Sensing via Iterative Hard Thresholding

Abstract: Real-world applications of compressed sensing are often limited by modelling errors between the sensing operator, which is necessary during signal recovery, and its actual physical implementation. In this paper we tackle the biconvex problem of recovering a sparse input signal jointly with some unknown and unstructured multiplicative factors affecting the sensors that capture each measurement.

Sparse Support Recovery with $ell_{infty}$ Data Fidelity

Abstract: This paper investigates non-uniform guarantees of \(ell_1\) minimization, subject to an \(ell_infty\) data fidelity constraint, to stably recover the support of a sparse vector when solving noisy linear inverse problems.

Sparse Support Recovery with Non-smooth Loss Functions

Abstract: In this paper, we study the support recovery guarantees of underdetermined sparse regression using the ℓ1-norm as a regularizer and a non-smooth loss function for data fidelity. More precisely, we focus in detail on the cases of ℓ1 and ℓ∞ losses, and contrast them with the usual ℓ2 loss.