An alternating minimization algorithm with trajectory for direct exoplanet detection – The AMAT algorithm

Abstract: Effective image post-processing algorithms are vital for the successful direct imaging of exoplanets. Standard PSF subtraction methods use techniques based on a low-rank approximation to separate the rotating planet signal from the quasi-static speckles, and rely on signal-to-noise ratio maps to detect the planet.

Grid Hopping: Accelerating Direct Estimation Algorithms for Multistatic FMCW Radar

Abstract: In radars, sonars, or for sound source localization, sensor networks enable the estimation of parameters that cannot be unambiguously recovered by a single sensor. The estimation algorithms designed for this context are commonly divided into two categories: the two-step methods, separately estimating intermediate parameters in each sensor before combining them; and the single-step methods jointly processing all the received signals.

ADMM-inspired image reconstruction for terahertz off-axis digital holography

Abstract: Image reconstruction in off-axis terahertz digital holography is complicated due to the harsh recording conditions and the non-convexity form of the problem. In this paper, we propose an inverse problem-based reconstruction technique that jointly reconstructs the object field and the amplitude of the reference field.

Learning to Reconstruct Signals From Binary Measurements

Abstract: Recent advances in unsupervised learning have highlighted the possibility of learning to reconstruct signals from noisy and incomplete linear measurements alone. These methods play a key role in medical and scientific imaging and sensing, where ground truth data is often scarce or difficult to obtain.

Interferometric lensless imaging: rank-one projections of image frequencies with speckle illuminations

Abstract: Lensless illumination single-pixel imaging with a multicore fiber (MCF) is a computational imaging technique that enables potential endoscopic observations of biological samples at cellular scale. In this work, we show that this technique is tantamount to collecting multiple symmetric rank-one projections (SROP) of an interferometric matrix–a matrix encoding the spectral content of the sample image.

The Separation Capacity of Random Neural Networks

Abstract: Neural networks with random weights appear in a variety of machine learning applications, most prominently as the initialization of many deep learning algorithms and as a computationally cheap alternative to fully learned neural networks.

Asymmetric compressive learning guarantees with applications to quantized sketches

Abstract: The compressive learning framework reduces the computational cost of training on large-scale datasets. In a sketching phase, the data is first compressed to a lightweight sketch vector, obtained by mapping the data samples through a well-chosen feature map, and averaging those contributions.

Sketching Datasets for Large-Scale Learning

(for a longer and free version on arXiv see here) Abstract: This article considers “compressive learning,” an approach to large-scale machine learning where datasets are massively compressed before learning (e.g., clustering, classification, or regression) is performed.

Breaking the waves: asymmetric random periodic features for low-bitrate kernel machines

Abstract: Many signal processing and machine learning applications are built from evaluating a kernel on pairs of signals, e.g. to assess the similarity of an incoming query to a database of known signals.

Compressive Imaging Through Optical Fiber with Partial Speckle Scanning

Abstract: The lensless endoscope (LE) is a promising device to acquire in vivo images at a cellular scale. The tiny size of the probe enables a deep exploration of the tissues.