Teaching & Master Projects
- LELEC2885: “Image processing and computer vision” (MSc, from 2010-11)
- LELEC2900: “Signal Processing” (MSc, from 2018-19)
- LINMA2120: “Applied mathematics seminar” (MSc, from 2019-20)
- LINMA2360: “Project in mathematical engineering” (MSc, from 2021-22)
- LEPL1109: “Statistiques et science des données” (BSc, from 2020-21)
- LELEC2102: “Project in Electrical Engineering: Integration of wireless embedded sensing systems” (MSc, from 2021)
- LELEC2103: “Project in Electrical Engineering: Optimization of wireless embedded sensing systems” (MSc, from 2021)
- Admission Exams in Engineering (Geometry) (2017-2021)
- LEPL1105: “Analyse II” (BSc, from 2022-23)
Master projects
Advisor or co-Advisor
- 2021-2022: Vinado Sampé, Bernat (UPC, Spain)
“Computational Imaging with a DiffuserCam”
- 2020-2021: B. Pirlot (co-advisor: N. Pustelnik)
“Quantification d’incertitude pour le traitement d’images par problèmes inverses”
- 2020-2021: B. Standaert (co-advisor: C. De Vleeschouwer)
“Improving generalization of quantized activation neural networks using dither”
- 2019-2020: J. Calbert (co-advisor: P.-A. Absil)
“Low-rank and sparsity structures for multispectral direct imaging of exoplanets”
- 2019-2020: M. Couplet (co-advisor: L. Demanet)
“Computational extrusion”
- 2019-2020: J.-L. Voiseux (co-advisor: L. Demanet)
“Blind De-Rendering - How to turn a wall into a mirror?”
- 2018-2019: G. Monnoyer de Galland de Carnières (co-advisor: L. Vandendorpe)
“Sparsity-Driven Moving Target Detection in Distributed Multistatic FMCW Radars”
- 2018-2019: A. Delhaye & M.-P. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel (co-advisor: L. Vandendorpe)
“Compressive sensing methods for radar systems”
- 2017-2018: C. Hautecoeur (co-advisor: C. De Vleeschouwer)
“A Study of Defect Detection by Convolutive Neural Networks”
- 2017-2018: A. Paris (co-advisor: L. Demanet, MIT, USA)
“Multi-Channel Blind Deconvolution”
- 2017-2018: X. Lambein (co-advisor: P.-A. Absil)
“Matrix Completion Methods for Exoplanet Detection”
- 2016-2017: V. Schellekens
“Compressive Clustering of High-Dimensional Datasets by 1-bit Sketching”
- 2015-2016: M. De Ron (co-advisor: C. De Vleeschouwer)
“Transfert de qualité entre images”
- 2015-2016: R. Rahir (co-advisor: P.-A. Absil).
“Statistical methods for exoplanet detection”
- 2014-2015: S. Carbonnelle
“Inpainting non local d’images satellites à deux résolutions pour l’étude de la déforestation”
- 2014-2015: G. de Foestraets Guillaume (co-advisor: J.-D. Legat)
“Real-time Stereo Slam on SoC”
- 2014-2015: S. Gilissen (co-advisor: F.-X. Standaerd)
“Visual Cryptography in Colours”
- 2014-2015: S. François & G. Touwaide (in collaboration with Quimesis)
“Localisation par vision 3D : application au déplacement robotique autonome”
- 2013-2014: B. Peeters
“Deconvolution Methods and Coded-Aperture Possibilities for Proton Dose Detection by Gamma Ray Imaging”
- 2012-2013: K. Degraux (co-advisor: D. Bol)
“Bridging 1-bit High Resolution Quantized Compressed Sensing”
- 2012-2013: L. Neu (co-advisor: D. Bol)
“Conception architecturale et modélisation d’un convertisseur 1 bit compressif audio”
- 2011-2012: S. Kitic
“De-Clipping of Sound Signals by Sparsity Prior Regularization”
- 2011-2012: T. Lienart
“Inpainting on Graphs as Interpolation Method” (+non-linear interpolation of data on graph with application to conic/parallel rebinning in X-Ray Computed Tomography)
- 2010-2011: A. Saint
“Approche multirésolution pour la reconstruction de la surface d’une lentille optique à partir du gradient”
- 2009-2010: C. Verleysen and N. Merlin
“Traitements d’images basés sur la transformée en ondelettes sur FPGA pour des applications spatiales”
- 2008-2009: D. Raboud (EPFL, Switzerland)
“The Panoptic Camera - Plenoptic interpolation in an omnidirectional polydioptric camera”
- 2007-2008: E. de Vito (EPFL, Switzerland)
“Situational Awareness Using A Single Omnidirectional Camera”
- 2005-2006: M. Thiry and F. van Damme (UCL)
“Interpolation sphérique par Kriging et analyse spectrale de données EEG”
- 2020-2021: B. Loucheur
“Automatic correction and completion of weather and climate time series”
- 2020-2021: T. Delsart
“An Ultra-Low-Power Embedded Convolutional Neural Network for Acoustic Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems”
- 2020-2021: M. Henry De Frahan
“Convolutional neural network for blood vessel segmentation : 2D and 3D architectures”
- 2019-2020: A. Gouverneur
“Optimal Measurement Times For Particle Filtering and its application in mobile tumor tracking”
- 2019-2020: E. Darche
“Graph signal processing for time-varying signals issued from linear dynamical systems”
- 2019-2020: L. Vandooren
“Comparison between convolutional and recurrent neural networks for keyword recognition applications”
- 2018-2019: M. Novak, A. Van Hoof
“Indicateurs de généralisation au sein des couches d’un réseau de neurones convolutifs”
- 2018-2019: H. Devillez
“Data sampling on graphs”
- 2017-2018: F. Brancaleone
“Global optimization on manifolds with medical and aerospace application”
- 2017-2018: J. Karioun and S. Tihon
“Deep learning in Automatic Piano Transcription”
- 2017-2018: B. Degomme
“Force-distance curves analysis in Atomic Force Microscopy”
- 2016-2017: N. Antoine.
“Segmentation of fingerprint images on a glass plate: a multiclass fern approach”
- 2016-2017: A. Gutierrez del Olmo, Carmen.
“Roots growth visual tracking”
- 2015-2016: B. Legat.
“Sum-Of-Squares programming on path-complete graphs for switching systems”
- 2015-2016: V. Somers.
“Center of attention prediction for automatic video framing in teamsport events”
- 2014-2015: B. Pairet
“Looking for exoplanets”
- 2014-2015: P. Sparta
“Détection de mouvements respiratoires par caméra 3D pour la génération d’alarme chez le patient hospitalisé”
- 2013-2014: G. Nicolas
“Plane-sweeping stereo matching for 3D reconstruction. Reconstruction 3D par glissement de plans en stéréovision”
- 2012-2013: S. Baudoin
“Modélisation de la consommation énergétique de l’Internet selon une approche ascendante”