First news
Long live your blog!
#### [jackdurden]( "") -
Thank you Laurent D. Your are very quick to find scientific colleagues on the blogosphere ;-) I added “La vertu d’un La” in the right links.
#### [Igor Carron]( "") -
I did not realize you were into computational photography. When is the first technical entry ? :-) Good luck. Igor.
#### [jackdurden]( "") -
Hello Igor, Nice to see that, as Laurent did, you have detected by yourself that I started this blog ;-) As you saw, it is just a beginning. I do not know currently at which frequency I will post. Probably at very low rate. Computational photography is up to now just a “focus of interest”. I’m working with Pierre Vandergheynst at EPFL on new camera designs with researchers in micro-electronics using multiple sensors and/or CS but this is just the beginning. For the first technical post, I’m working on it. It will be possibly a review of a recent CS paper I liked and used. Best, Laurent