compressive sensing

A Non-Convex Approach to Blind Calibration from Linear Sub-Gaussian Random Measurements

Abstract: Blind calibration is a bilinear inverse problem arising in modern sensing strategies, whose solution becomes crucial when traditional calibration aided by multiple, accurately designed training signals is either infeasible or resource-consuming.

Consistent Basis Pursuit for Signal and Matrix Estimates in Quantized Compressed Sensing

Abstract: This paper focuses on the estimation of low-complexity signals when they are observed through \(M\) uniformly quantized compressive observations. Among such signals, we consider 1-D sparse vectors, low-rank matrices, or compressible signals that are well approximated by one of these two models.

Quantized compressed sensing and quasi-isometric embeddings

Abstract: The advent of Compressed Sensing (CS) ten years ago has precipitated a radical re-thinking of signal acquisition, sensing, processing and transmission system design. A significant aspect of such systems is quantization (or digitization) of the acquired data before further processing or for the purpose of transmission and compression.

Compressed sensing, quantization and quasi-isometric embedding

Abstract: The advent of Compressed Sensing (CS) ten years ago has precipitated a radical re-thinking of signal acquisition, sensing, processing and transmission system design. A significant aspect of such systems is quantization (or digitization) of the acquired data before further processing or for the purpose of transmission and compression.

Compressive Acquisition of Sparse Deflectometric Maps

Abstract: Schlieren deflectometry aims at measuring deflections of light rays from transparent objects, which is subsequently used to characterize the objects. With each location on a smooth object surface a sparse deflection map (or spectrum) is associated.

Quantized Iterative Hard Thresholding: Bridging 1-bit and High Resolution Quantized Compressed Sensing

Abstract: In this work, we show that reconstructing a sparse signal from quantized compressive measurement can be achieved in an unified formalism whatever the (scalar) quantization resolution, i.e., from 1-bit to high resolution assumption.